Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Target Trip

I went to Target to use my $2.50 off coupons from the 1/04/09 inserts on the Electrasol that was on sale. Before I went I got a tip from my friend, Aprilmar10, over at AFC. In the same inserts there was a coupon for $3 off any KY product. It didn't say excluding trial sizes. Target has KY in their travel section for .94. So......for every one that I bought, they paid me $2.06! BTW, I bought 4 of the Sunday papers which also came with the Deseret Newspaper doubling my coupons. So I had 8 inserts total.

I got:
8 boxes of Electrasol-I really like these dishwasher tabs, and it's all we use now. They were on sale at target 6 mos. ago. I stocked up then, and now that I just replenished my stock, I think I am good for another year until they go on sale again.
5 bars of Johnson Buddies soap-I LOVE these. They smell so good. And they are perfect for the kids.
8 boxes of Ky travel jelly-Okay, I really don't need 8 boxes of KYJ. But hey, if they'll pay me to take it, then HEY, I'll take it!
1 mop on sale for $9 bucks
1 package of bacon for dinner (not pictured)

Coupons used:
8 x $2.50 off each Electrasol *$.75 after coupon
5 x $1.00 off each Johsnosn Buddies soap *FREE after coupon
8 x $3.00 off KY jelly *$2.06 overage after coupon

The results:
Subtotal after all coupons $1.24
Total paid out of pocket after taxes $4.57
Total amount saved $49.90
That's 99.9% savings!!!

Doing the Happy Dance!!!

If you have those $3 off coupons for the KY jelly, they don't expire until March I think. And just a heads up. When I used my coupons, they beeped and the guy said he couldn't take them. I told him since it didn't say "excludes trial sizes, which it normally does if they don't want you to use it on trial sizes" then they should honor it. I asked him to get his manager to verify it. So he did. She read it, made an adjustment and sent all 8 of my coupons through. SWEET!


Carpenter's said...

Love the KY deal!! :)

khepworth said...

You can never have too much, right???