Monday, September 1, 2008

Free Excedrin

Walgreens has Excedrin on sale for $1.99. All different varieties. If you've been clipping your Sunday coupons, there was a coupon for $2 off Excedrin PM. Making it free. PLUS you get a $1 register reward.

*Tip: To get the $1 rr, you can only purchase one box of Excedrin in one transaction. For example. I bought 2 boxes. When I went to pay for them, I had her ring up one box and I paid for it, then I had her ring up the other box and then I paid for that one. If I would have had her ring both up in one transaction, the machine would only print out one register reward for only $1. Doing them separate, I got 2 register rewards for a dollar each. This is pretty much how most of the register reward items work. Just read the ad to make sure you are doing it right. Some sales will be say: but 3 items get xx$ in register rewards. In this case you would pay for all 3 items in one transaction.

*Tip: Because the coupon was for $2 off, my total was -.01. They owed me. They do not like this as it sends up a red flag. To prevent this, I picked up a box of Jr. Mints (on sale for .40) to purchase with each box of excedrine. Doing this made my total .54 putting in the positive (me owing them money, instead of in the negative, them owing me money.)

Also, there is a link for a coupon for $2 off Excedrin Extra Strength. PLUS Walgreens has a rebate on the Extra Strength. So, use the coupon and get it for free. Then do the online rebate and they will refund you $2. Walgreens will pay you to buy this product. How sweet is that! Want the link to the coupon, subscribe to this blog and I'll email it to you before the sale ends on Sunday, Sept. 7.

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