Monday, August 4, 2008

Where to Start

To get started, start clipping coupons. Ask your mom, your neighbor, your co-worker, your friendsto save you their coupons if they don't use them. You know the coupons that come in the mail-the RedPlum newspaper ones, not the coupons in the blue Valpak envelope, be sure to cut those too. Organize them by category. I use a coupon organizer that I picked up at the dollar store (and added more categories) for my food coupons, and a recipe box for anything non food. I have a big purse, so they easily fit in there whenever I goto the store. Some people use a binder with baseball card sleeves.

Sometimes things go on sale that you can get really cheap or practically for free. For this reason I save every coupon. You'd be surprised at the things you wouldn't normally buy that you now can thanks to coupons. For example: Pamper/Huggies brand diapers or wipes, or brand name foods.

Pick up a Sunday paper and check out the ads for the places that you shop. Start matching your coupons up with the sales that are going on. This is how you are really going to save money. I always do my homework before I goto the store so that I don't have to sit and go through every coupon/ad while in the store. This way I know exactly what I am getting and how much I am paying for it.

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