Monday, July 21, 2008

Huggies Clean Team Flushable Wipes

Hope you got the Sunday paper.....

There is a coupon for $3 off any 2 Huggies clean team flushable moist wipes. These are great for kids.

At Walmart, they have a soft pack of 42 with a reclosable lid for $1.67 (if you don't see them in the baby section, check over by the women's feminine hygene products). Buy 2 packs for $3.40, use your $3 off coupon, and get them both for .40!

They also come in a hard case with a pop up lid. It is a little bit more spendy, but all you need is one and then you can buy refills for it using the coupon.

I had 3 coupons so I bought six packages!!!

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